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International Workers' Day

International Workers' Day

Workers! Today is your day. Today, Monday, May 1, is the holiday that pays tribute to hardworking people all over the world.

International Workers' Day is observed on the first day of May every year in Spain. Whatever the day of the week, it is always a national holiday in most countries around the world. On this day, workers can take a break and have the day to themselves to enjoy spending time with family or friends.

For many years, this day has been a day to defend the social and labor rights of all workers.

That's why we're dedicating this post to talking about the origin, history, and some fun facts about Labor Day.


1. Origin of International Workers' Day.

To understand the origins of this day, you have to go back to the late 19th century in the US during the Industrial Revolution. 

Factory workers worked 12 to 18 hours a day, long, grueling working days. Little by little, the labor movement started to demand an eight-hour working day with the motto, 'Eight hours of work, eight hours of rest, and eight hours of leisure.’

It was in 1868 that the eight-hour working day was first approved for some workers but not for factory workers. This was the 'Ingersoll Law,’ and many employers refused to recognize it.

The labor movement came together on May 1, 1886, when demonstrations were held in Chicago with the participation of 88 workers.

Three years later, in 1889, the Second Socialist International finally established May 1 as a day commemorating the eight-hour working day and the labor movement.

It was established as an official holiday in Spain in 1931, under the Second Republic. This decision was later abolished and then re-established with the advent of democracy.


2. Workers' Day around the world.

While commemorating this day is common in all countries, the date may vary between them.

In Spain, for example, it is observed on May 1, just like in other European countries such as:

  • France: Labor Day in France coincides with another celebration, Muguet Day. The muguet is a well-known flower in the country that is considered lucky. If you are in France on this day, you'll find that the whole city of Paris has stalls where you can buy bouquets of muguet. This tradition is also celebrated in the French-speaking countries of Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.


  • Italy: they celebrate it with a concert in Rome held since 1990. At this massive concert, many Italian singers come to celebrate with people from all over the country. It takes place throughout the afternoon of the first day of May.

  • Germany: in Germany, they celebrate 'Tag der Arbeit,' a day to spend time with family or friends by having a picnic, for example.

It's also observed in other non-European countries such as Russia, it coincides with Spring Day, or Mexico.

In the United States and Canada, on the other hand, Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September; on the fourth Monday in New Zealand; and in Australia, it depends on each state.


Now that you know how International Workers' Day is celebrated in different countries, how are you going to celebrate it?