Motivational phrase every day at home to remind you of the important, messages for your partner, or an I love you for any member of the house, any reason is valid to write and decorate with our **letter box** that also has light, your message can be read at any time of the day! Don't you think it's a great idea? You can customize any event or space.
Design: White letter box with 120 letters, numbers, and drawings in black, so you can combine as you like and make every day different but equally special. It has 3 lines to write your personalized message.
- 5 sheets of each vowel.
- 3 sheets of each letter.
- 2 question marks.
- 2 exclamation marks.
- 2 hashtag symbols.
- 2 ampersands (&).
- 2 dollar signs.
- 3 hearts.
- 2 pineapples.
- 2 cacti.
- 2 flamingos.
- 2 unicorns.
- 2 dinosaurs.
- 2 cats.
- 2 lightning bolts.
- 2 stars.
Measurements: 30 x 22 x 4.5 cm
Technical specifications: Works with 6 AA batteries (not included)