Wooden money box only need money

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Delivery on Feb 25, 2025

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Wooden piggy bank with hearts. Playful design: red frame and transparent front. Inspirational phrases to save with purpose. Ideal for watching your savings grow with ALE-HOP.



Product details

Save with love!

The Wooden Piggy Bank with Hearts - NOW WE JUST NEED THE MONEY! is perfect for those who know that the important thing is to travel accompanied by trust and respect. With a playful and loving design, this piggy bank will become the ideal accomplice for your savings.

  • Design: red frame with transparent front face.
  • Interior illustration: two happy and adventurous hearts taking you on a tender and fun journey.
  • Inspirational phrases: "trust, respect, communication, and empathy" to remind you of the importance of saving with purpose.
  • Transparent front that will allow you to see how your savings are growing and keep you motivated.

The complicity of the hearts of the wooden piggy bank will make saving a fun and loving experience! Place your coins in the back, watch your savings grow through the window, and get ready for the adventure. ALE-HOP accompanies you every step of the way. Don't wait any longer and start filling your Wooden Piggy Bank with Hearts - NOW WE JUST NEED THE MONEY! today!

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